filancore Records: Data Provenance for Machines
Endpoint protection that guarantees your IoT data’s origin and history.
Why does your organization need filancore Records?
Whether you are conducting audits, complying with regulations, or depending on machine learning decisions, filancore Records offers the peace of mind that comes from knowing your data is both reliable and incorruptible.
The key capabilities of
filancore Records
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
How do filancore Records ensure the security of IoT data?
Our filancore Records feature utilizes digital signatures and distributed ledger technology to secure data records. Anchoring data to a distributed ledger ensures that it remains unaltered and traceable, significantly enhancing both security and trustworthiness.
Can filancore Records be integrated with any IoT device?
Our filancore Records software is highly adaptable and can be integrated with most commonly used IoT devices. Its flexible architecture is designed to accommodate different data formats and structures, ensuring compatibility with your existing data systems.
How can filancore Records assist in complying with data regulations?
filancore Records provide a tamper-proof and verifiable data log, essential for meeting data protection requirements like NIS2 or the Cyber Resilience Act. This feature streamlines audits and upholds data integrity standards, making it easier to demonstrate regulatory compliance.
How can external parties verify the records?
Data verification by externals can be performed using the original dataset, which enables the comparison with the anchored record on the ledger. This process can also be performed independently and locally without relying on our platform or the ledger.